
For this months’ bonus episode, we bring you a review of Empathy, a Spanish documentary, created by a non-vegan, seeking to explore what veganism is all about. Now we’ve seen this plot device used before, most noticeably in films like Conspiracy and What The Health; a non-vegan seeks to explore the world of animal rights and comes out a changed man. So does this film pull it off? Well, we thought we knew where this film was headed but it turns out it has a few surprised up it’s sleeves and we were both very glad that we gave it a watch. The ensuing conversation was also a ton of fun.

We recommend giving Empathy a watch and then following along with the episode. You can view the film HERE.

We also discuss our recent visit to Triangle Tavern (Philadelphia, PA), to see how their philly cheese steak stands up to our current top contenders: Blackbird Pizza and Wiz Kid.